All College
Patrick Cross (’14)
Patrick Cross (’14)

With great joy, the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael’s Abbey welcomed their newest postulants on August 27, and among them were four alumni.

One of the new alumni postulants is Patrick Cross (’14), who spent the last few years pursuing a successful career in political cartooning, most recently working as the resident cartoonist for The College Fix. But like the first apostles and disciples, Mr. Cross has heard the voice of Christ calling him away from his nets. “This decision was not easy,” Mr. Cross said in . “Cartooning has been a unique and wonderful way to communicate truth, but I have discerned that God may now be calling me to serve Him in a more particular way as a Catholic priest.”

Although wishing him well, The College Fix was sorry to see Mr. Cross go. “It is bittersweet that I must announce his departure as our resident cartoonist,” the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Jennifer Kabbany. “Bittersweet because even though we are losing a talented artist, his creative traits will be used in far less temporal ways in the coming years.” from the magazine gave Mr. Cross an equally warm valediction: “We are grateful for all of his work these past three years to use humor and art to communicate the insanity of college campus life each week.”

Mr. Cross and his fellow postulants will be in the prayers of many!