Safety Alert System
The College has a safety alert system which is intended for use only in the rare occurrence of a danger to the community as a whole or some other event that requires immediate action. In such an event this system will be used to send out a mass text message to help spread the safety alert as quickly as possible among the on-campus community. Designated staff will promptly deliver the message in person to buildings in which cell phones are prohibited. If there should be an emergency need for the whole student body to assemble, the chapel bells will also ring for at least three minutes as a sign to assemble in St. Joseph Commons. Students will be automatically enrolled in the safety alert system using the cell phone number they provided during registration. Students should update the Dean鈥檚 Office if their cell phone number changes during the year.
Forest Fires
Forest fires are a very real danger in southern California and the campus has been threatened periodically by fires in the Los Padres National Forest (one of the largest forest fires in California history started one mile from the College and burned around all sides of the campus in 2017). It is imperative, therefore, that students observe the campfire restrictions posted by the Forest Service when camping or socializing in the Los Padres National Forest. These restrictions are strictly enforced, and ignoring them may result in fines or imprisonment. The failure to follow the fire restrictions also has the potential of starting a forest fire that could threaten the campus, cause millions of dollars in damages, and result in a legal liability.
Due to the potential fire hazard, any use of the fire pit or barbecue adjacent to the third pond must be approved by the Assistant Dean. For the same reason, the use of fireworks on campus, or in the national forest, is strictly forbidden.
Fire Procedure
All of the buildings on campus are equipped with emergency fire exits and fire alarm pull boxes. Students should familiarize themselves with the location of the fire doors and fire alarm pull boxes in their dormitory.
In case of fire, pull the nearest fire alarm, exit the building, and call 911.
Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by a Prefect or college official.
Earthquake Procedure
In case of an earthquake, drop to the ground, take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. It is dangerous to try to exit a building during an earthquake. The important thing is to keep clear of falling objects and to stay away from windows, which can shatter in an earthquake.
Stay indoors until the shaking stops and you are sure it is safe to exit. Because of the possibility of broken glass and other debris, it is advisable to wear shoes when exiting the building.
If you are outdoors during an earthquake, be alert for rocks and other debris that could be loosened from the surrounding hills. Find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, outdoor lights, and power lines.
Expect aftershocks. The procedure is the same for aftershocks as it is for earthquakes.
Evacuation Procedure
The Dean and the Assistant Dean will order an evacuation if advised to do so by a civil authority.
If the Dean and the Assistant Dean order an evacuation, the chapel bells will also ring for at least three minutes as a sign to assemble in St. Joseph Commons. Students may also receive an emergency alert on their cell phones. Once everyone has assembled in the Commons, a school official will communicate the nature of the emergency, the evacuation center, and other necessary instructions.
- Students that are off campus at the time of an evacuation should contact a Prefect from their dormitory to check in and receive further instructions. They should not return to campus unless explicitly instructed to do so.
- After meeting in the Commons, students may be instructed to return to their residence halls to gather essential items (e.g., car keys, driver鈥檚 license, sleeping bag, and pillow), but priority should be given to evacuating persons rather than taking personal property.
- No vehicle should depart until each seat is filled and it has been checked by a Prefect at the front gate.
The priority is the safety of the students. The buildings are equipped with fire sprinklers and are insured. They can be replaced if necessary.
Safety Alert System
The College has a safety alert system which is intended for use only in the rare occurrence of a danger to the community as a whole that requires immediate action. In such an event this system will be used to send out a mass text message to help spread the safety alert as quickly as possible among the on-campus community. Designated staff will promptly deliver the message in person to buildings in which cell phones are prohibited. Students will be automatically enrolled in the safety alert system using the cell phone number they provided during registration. Students should update the Dean鈥檚 Office if their cell phone number changes during the year.
Fire Procedure
The residence halls, dining hall, classroom building, library, and gymnasium are all equipped with emergency fire exits and fire alarm pull boxes. Students should familiarize themselves with the location of all exits and fire alarm pull boxes in their residence hall.
In case of fire, pull the nearest fire alarm, exit the building, and call 911.
The Northfield Fire Department will respond to any fire or smoke alarm in these campus buildings, which are linked to a central alarm system. No one should attempt to shut off an alarm at the building alarm panel, except at the direction of the Fire Department, even if the cause of the alarm is known to be minor. Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the Fire Department.
Medical Emergency Equipment
Each building has a first aid kit kept near its entrance; in the residence halls, however, first aid kits are kept by a Prefect on each floor. AEDs are located in the entryways of: St. Gianna Molla Hall (Palmer), Dolben Library, the Chapel (side entrance), the dining hall (Gould), and the gymnasium.