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Members of the community — past and present, and from both coasts — gathered on the California campus Saturday for the inauguration of Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly (’84) as the College’s fifth president, the first alumnus to assume the position. Prelates, distinguished academics, and other dignitaries joined the College’s Board of Governors, faculty, staff, students, and alumni to witness the ceremony and to encourage Dr. O’Reilly and his family.

Coinciding with the Feast of St. John Paul II, the event began with a Mass in honor of the sainted pope in Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel. Offering the Holy Sacrifice was the Most Rev. José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles, joined by the principal concelebrant, the Most Rev. William D. Byrne, Bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts — the ordinaries of the dioceses in which the College operates. Assisting them at the altar were the College’s chaplains, as well as numerous visiting and alumni priests and seminarians. The Chapel trembled and rang with swelling notes from organ and trumpet, while the choir gave voice to the pervasive spirit of thanksgiving that filled the space.

In his homily, Archbishop Gomez reminded the College of its ecclesial vocation. “The Lord entrusts you with this sacred responsibility: To feed and tend these young hearts and minds, to give them knowledge of the truth,” His Excellency said. “Only in this wisdom, only in Jesus Christ, can we flourish in this world and know the love that never ends.”

Photos from the Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II
  • Mass for the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II

Fortified by Word and Sacrament, congregants mingled briefly after on the academic quadrangle before reconvening in the Chapel for the Installation Ceremony. The academic procession entered the Chapel to the solemn tune of Jeremiah Clarke’s “Trumpet Voluntary,” and that solemnity continued as Rev. Robert Marczewski, head chaplain of TAC-California, invoked God’s blessing on Dr. O’Reilly, after which all joined in the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Founders of “envisioned a reformation of liberal education under the guidance of the Truth, Who became incarnate,” said Dr. John J. Goyette, dean of the California campus, in his opening remarks. Dr. Goyette then introduced two speakers to testify to the success, 50 years later, of that founding vision: Thomas Carroll, superintendent of schools for the Archdiocese of Boston, and Dr. Glenn C. Arbery, president of Wyoming Catholic College.

Mr. Carroll noted that “ has become the cornerstone of our efforts to remake our Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Boston.” He added that, “I have recruited more students from TAC than from any other college … I have no doubt that TAC will remain ‘the gift that keeps on giving’ to our nation and our Church.”

Dr. Arbery, meanwhile, admired the College’s steadfast fidelity to its mission over the years. “I most appreciate stories of the early struggles of TAC, especially when I look now at this beautiful campus and this chapel,” he said. “Last year, when I spoke at the campus in Massachusetts, I had the same feeling — not envy — well, not exactly — but the recognition that obstacles help define us, that God blesses those faithful to Him, and that hope and clarity of purpose draw the beneficence of those who witness them.”

Following these remarks, the prelates offered brief salutations. “My prayer for you, Dr. O’Reilly, is that in everything you do, you would seek holiness and bring love,” said Archbishop Gomez. “If you do this, everything else will fall into place.” Bishop Byrne, meanwhile, took the opportunity to thank the College for its presence in Massachusetts. “My small but beautiful portion of the People of God has suffered greatly in these past decades,” he said. “Yet, thanks to , I became one of the few bishops in the New England area to actually consecrate, not deconsecrate, a church — and what a glorious celebration it was!”

Then came what Dean Goyette proclaimed “the heart of the matter.” Formally called from the faculty by past presidents Peter DeLuca and Dr. Michael F. McLean, Dr. O’Reilly entered the sanctuary. There the Chairman of the Board of Governors, R. Scott Turicchi, formally charged him to execute the office of president. Upon his acceptance, Dr. O’Reilly received the Chain of Office. Then, in the presence of Archbishop Gomez, he professed the Nicene Creed and took the Oath of Fidelity, thereby pledging his fidelity to the College’s mission of Catholic liberal education under the guidance of the Church’s magisterium.

In his ensuing remarks, Dr. O’Reilly’s considered how the College can rededicate itself to its founding principles. To his fellow tutors, he suggested that “we remind ourselves of the wisdom we have inherited and been entrusted with maintaining,” especially in light of the responsibility the tutors have to the students. And to the students themselves, he said, “Give yourselves to this demanding program, and we, your tutors, promise you will receive a pearl of great price.”

After Dr. O’Reilly’s address, Rev. Greg Markey, head chaplain of TAC-New England, delivered the final blessing, after which choir and guests sang “Immaculate Mary” to conclude the ceremony — thanking Our Lord and His Blessed Mother for their continued protection of .

Photos from the Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony
  • Installation Ceremony